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Automated Reference + Guarantor request and verification

solving reference & guarantor fraud for businesses

How it works

Awards and Supports


Request references from your employees, tenants, students, etc, or guarantors from your customers and employees, all in one place

receive real, verified people who have truly agreed to be their references and guarantors

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The fastest, easiest way to request colleagues, friends, family, or professor to give you a reference for that new job, or be your guarantor for that much needed loan

We are re-thinking how business of all sizes perform KYE or KYC for new hires, customers, etc

*Know Your Employee

*Know Your Customer

One Account
Multiple Businesses

Create one account and add as many businesses as possible under that account. Add people to each business and do your requesting right away

Get started

add new business image
Create Custom Groups

Group is where all requesting happens. A typical Group houses a specific group of people e.g Employee Group, Customer Group, Tenants Group, Summer 2023 Cohort Group, etc. Depending on your use case, create as many Groups as you need. Add people to your Groups and start making your requests

Get started

add group image
create template image
Build Custom Template

Template defines the policy for a particular Group. The core of a Template is the Question-building feature. Create a template once and use it to request references or guarantors as many times as you like.

Build your templates by determining the format for questions you set and responses you get back


Text format


Video format
coming soon


Audio format
coming soon

Choose Theme or Build from Scratch

Craft your template's look and feel either by selecting from our list of pre-designed templates, or simply go wild and build yours from scratch

Get started

create template image
Unit or Batch Requests

Add each person to your Groups or import a CSV file. Make individual request or do a batch request from everyone in the Group at once

Start requesting

Video and Audio-based responses

Better than reading is the ability to watch or listen to a Reference or Guarantor talk about your candidate. This provides an even better personal touch to your whole vetting experience.

Learn more about your candidates from former colleagues who have worked with them in the past

Get only real and pre-vetted people talking to you about your candidates
Identity verified

We pre-vet and verify identity of each reference and guarantor against government records real-time

Address verified

Guarantor's residential address is verified

Only pay for results

We only bill you after you have received responses and acceptance from a real verified reference or guarantor

Use Case

Our product is applicable to a wide array of small and large-scale businesses, organizations, and platforms. Learn how diverse industries utilize our service for employees, customers and B2B vettings


Whether you require reference or guarantor from each new hire, our smart processes save your Hiring Managers time and money by digitizing the whole process. Suitable for businesses of all sizes in any industry

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Freelance platform

Upgrade the credibility of your platform by allowing clients request references from freelancers and receive back from their old clients. Go beyond displaying basic portfolios which are easily falsifiable

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Kiss goodbye to issuing paper guarantor form to new tenants; with its obvious limitations and disadvantages. Protect your property from bad actors by automating how you request and receive guarantors

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Request [letter of] recommendations from newly admitted students and receive tamper-proof, genuine and verifiable responses living inside your dashboard or your own internal applications

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Recruitment software

Reference is a key part of recruitment in all organizations. Layer our reference service on top of your application to extend your power and offering even more.

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Digitize your Guarantor request process for your customers. Save time and resources by doing away with paper guarantor forms for any reason you require guarantors

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B2B referencing

Request business reference from prospective suppliers, contractors, partners, etc. Your best marketer is a satisfied client. Land that new client or contract by simply requesting a satisfied client to reference you to a prospective client.

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Integrate our API to your existing software Coming soon

request and receive references and guarantors right inside internal tools you already use e.g. your HR management software